
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Gas Prices

What does this picture have to do with Unit 1?

What question(s) come to mind when looking at the 4 prices?

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Optimum Level of Cooperation

Check out this video.

What questions come to mind?
Jesse: "How did they do that?"
David: "When did they rehearse?"
Elizabeth: "How did they not get confused?"
Haylee: "How long did it take them to do it?"
Kamren: "What year did this take place?"
Ilisabeth: "How did they make patterns?"
Harmandeep: "Who first came up with the idea?"
Riley: "How did they pass each other without crashing?"
Fama: "How did they do that with confidence?"

What would happen if 1 motorcyclist turned the opposite direction of the flow?